The classic Anthony Mann/James Stewart western arrives on Blu and 4K from The Criterion Collection
Though no one could probably have anticipated it at the time, Winchester ’73 was a major turning point in the careers of James Stewart and director Anthony Mann. The western proved to be a hit, creating a legendary collaboration (and a hefty payday for Stewart, who had agreed to share in points instead of his usual fee to help afford himself to the film’s budget – it ended up working greatly in his favor). Stewart and Mann would go on to make many films together, including five legendary westerns.

It’s an old cliche to call a prop or setting a “character” in a movie, but Winchester ’73 is one case where this is appropriate. The eponymous rifle, a magnificent Winchester rifle, is more than just a MacGuffin, and does feel like practically a character in the narrative.

Lin McAdam (Stewart) is the rightful owner of the prized 1873 rifle after winning it in a shooting contest hosted by famous lawman Wyatt Earp (in a rare story where that historical character is portrayed in a somewhat less than favorable light). His primary competition in the shooting match was his old nemesis who goes by the name of Dutch Henry Brown (Stephen McNally), with whom Lin carries an fierce but unspoken grudge.

Brown and his cronies steal the rifle and ride off with their prize, but that’s just the beginning for the story of the Winchester ’73, which we’ll see change hands several times with fatal consequences.
While the plight of Lin and his pal Frankie Wilson (Millard Mitchell) trying to recover the rifle is the film’s primary plot, it employs a slightly episodic structure in showing the rifle’s journey and repeatedly changing hands – rarely willingly and usually violently.

Stewart is terrific and suited to the role, showing the darkness that would define much of his postwar career. You can see why his collaboration with Mann set off a new collaborative partnership, as the pair seem to share in a common vision. Judging by his interactions, Stewart’s McAdams seems to be a decent person, but we really don’t know much about him except that he wants to put a bullet in his old rival. It’s not until later that we learn the reason for his enmity.

While the film keeps a love story at arm’s length, Shelley Winters is memorable as frontier lady who takes a liking to McAdam. John McIntire, who would later cross swords with Stewart as the big bad in Mann’s The Far Country, also features in a significant role. The always reliable Dan Duryea plays an outlaw called Waco Johnny Dean – he’d also go on to rejoin Stewart and Mann in Thunder Bay. And for the sharp-eyed, a young Rock Hudson and Tony Curtis both appear in roles that you might easily miss – Hudson as an Indian chief and Curtis as a cavalryman.

While Mann was more sympathetic to natives than other filmmakers at the time, the film nonetheless has some stereotypical portrayals and attitudes, like a scene in which Stewart’s character speaks to a native character in stilted mock-English. The Indian chief played by Hudson is portrayed as antagonistic (albeit with a legitimate grievance). There’s an interesting extra on the disc in which an indigenous filmmaker explores these depictions further.

While westerns at the time were moving into color and Cinemascope, I love the particular appeal of Winchester ’73‘s tight black and white framing. The film was gorgeously shot by William Daniels, who had picked up an Oscar just a couple years prior for his work on The Naked City.

The Package
Winchester ’73 arrives on Blu-ray and 4K UHD as Spine # 1248 in the Criterion Collection. I’m reviewing the 4K edition, which includes a 4K movie disc and a Blu-ray with the movie and extras. It comes packaged in the typical transparent Scanovo keepcase usual to Criterion releases, and features a booklet with liner notes, details about the master, and an essay by Imogen Sara Smith entitled, “Under the Gun”.

This presentation features a “new 4K digital restoration, undertaken by Universal Pictures in collaboration with The Film Foundation, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack”, accompanied by optional English subtitles.
The video presentation on this edition is exceptionally clean and sharp.
Special Features (on Blu-ray Disc) –
- Audio Commentary – featuring actor James Stewart and film historian Paul Lindenschmidt. I don’t think I can stress enough the fact that this is a commentary with James Stewart, originally recorded for the Laserdisc release. I expected this to be an assembly of interviews sort of cut and pasted into a track, but no – it’s an actual film commentary recording with a beloved actor who died the same year the DVD format was introduced to the US.
- Adam Piron: What is an Indian? (17:50) – An interview with film programmer Adam Piron, who explores the depictions of Native Americans in Winchester ’73 and other westerns

- Forces of Nature: Anthony Mann at Universal (47:07) – An informative documentary exploring the director’s work with Universal, especially his collaborations with James Stewart. Produced by the reliably great folks at Ballyhoo. (A similar but different doc called “American Frontiers: Anthony Mann at Universal” was produced by the same folks for Arrow’s The Far Country Blu-ray).

- Lux Radio Theatre 1951 audio adaptation (60:39) – an hourlong radio drama adaptation (set against a static still image)
- Trailer (2:20)
A/V Out
Get it at Amazon: Winchester 73 – [Criterion 4K UHD] | [Criterion Blu-ray]