With a journey that includes film school and a plethora of music, 1st Base Runner’s Tim Husmann is now creating awesome and eclectic music with a truly cinematic feel

Lend an ear to SPINEMA: a column exploring all movie music, music related to movies, and movies related to music. Be they film scores on vinyl, documentaries on legendary musicians, or albums of original songs by horror directors, all shall be reviewed here. Batten down your headphones, because shit’s about to sound cinematic.
On one of the other sites I write for, The Farsighted, I spend a good deal of time writing about music, mostly music that I enjoy. To be clear, I started that site to write music, primarily, and eventually it became a place where myself and a few others would lament about all types of art and culture, from music to film to literature to life. Sometimes artists I’m covering strike me as artists that the Cinapse family should be aware of, whether it’s because they are involved directly in the film world or because they simply strike me as being cinematic. Austin TX based singer-songwriter 1st Base Runner is the latter.
Tim Husmann is 1st Base Runner, a fiercely unique indie artist with a wide variety of influences that make it hard to nail down any specifically defined genre. And… if you know me… hard to define genres are something I enjoy a lot in both music and film. Genre-bending is the way to go as far as I’m concerned.
Below you can enjoy the conversation that Tim and I had about his music, his favorite films, his dreams of scoring film, and what led him to film school. Forgive the sometimes troubled sound in the recording and forgive my awkwardness, as on-screen interviews aren’t my typical forte. However, Tim is extremely interesting and it’s a certainty that you’ll enjoy what he has to say.
And don’t forget to watch his latest music video below, “Man Overboard”:
Follow 1st Base Runner on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Bandcamp, Spotify, and www.1stbaserunner.com