Cinapse on Medium: 5 Things To Know About Our Grand Re-Opening!

Goodbye WordPress, our old friend. We’ll never talk with you again.

Welcome to the brand new Cinapse! We’re so glad you have joined us here on Medium.

As of this writing, Cinapse is in the midst of celebrating our 4 year anniversary as a website dedicated to sharing our cinematic discoveries with our readers and discussing film and television of all stripes.

That hasn’t changed, and our commitment to that original vision from our inception will remain. We love discovering and discussing movies.

But we’re excited about a lot of the change that does come with leaving WordPress behind and transforming into a Medium-hosted web publication. And while we were at it, we also underwent a ground-up re-branding with graphic designer Bryan Butler, who worked with us to design our killer new logo.

We hope you’ll enjoy the new Cinapse as much as we have been enjoying it, and we wanted to walk you through 5 quick things to know about Cinapse on Medium as far as why we made the leap, some features you’ll want to know about, and more!

Clean New Design

It was time. The old site was simply looking dated, cluttered, and clunky. Perhaps one of the most exciting things about being hosted on Medium is how clean, modern, and simple it is.

Better Reader Experience

Being a part of the Medium ecosystem offers a number of cool features to our readers. It’s easy to search and click through all the great writing on Cinapse, but it’s also going to be easier for people to find our work within the Medium ecosystem. You’ll also be able to find tons of other great writing around Medium while you’re visiting us.

On top of that, the mobile experience on Medium is better, you can follow writers, recommend posts, and share them easily as well. So don’t forget to follow us on Medium (just click the “Follow” button on our homepage) to catch everything we’re doing.

WE WANT YOU! Want to Contribute To Cinapse? Now it’s easier!

Have you ever had a burning movie-related opinion that you just had to write down and share with the world? Ever needed a platform for that hottest of hot takes? We’d love to hear from you*! And now contributing to Cinapse is much easier than ever before.

1: Write a killer review or opinion and publish it on Medium via a personal account.

2: Email us at [email protected] with the URL to your piece and a pitch.

3: If we dig it, we’ll request to post the piece on our publication!

It’s that simple. And after that, it’ll be even simpler to contribute further.

*And if you’re anything other than a white male… all the better! We hear from a lot of those already…

Cleaner = Faster

Not only was the old site looking dated, but it moaned every time it sat down, and it needed to rest often. Cinapse on Medium isn’t only cleaner and prettier, it’s also much faster, making your navigation experience (not to mention our writing experience) much more satisfying and speedy.

It’s All About The Writing

From the beginning, Cinapse has been about writing about movies. We don’t do breaking news or rumors. We don’t do marketing and PR reveals. We write about movies. We’re almost exclusively a review and opinion site. And perhaps the most exciting thing about our move to Medium is that writing about movies and TV is even easier than ever before. Medium is stripped down and streamlined to maximize ease of use. I know I personally have found much more motivation and energy to simply write about the movies I discover and love directly because Medium is nowhere near as cumbersome as WordPress was. Cinapse can double down on bringing you coverage of what we’re passionate about because Medium makes the writing flow more freely.

Thanks for reading. And thanks for the support that has allowed Cinapse to continue for 4 whole years. We love doing this and hope our passion comes through even more on this new platform. If you love what we’re doing, please feel free to share with your friends and family who are similarly afflicted with cinephilia.

And I’m Out.

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