by Jon Partridge

Fantastic Fest is my favorite week of the year. The Fantastic Debates might be my favorite night of the year. We abandon the theater and enter a different area, one filled with blood, sweat, tears, and a shit load of Shiner beer. As we’ve discussed in last year’s coverage, being a film lover often leads to impassioned arguments, so what better way to settle such things than in front of your peers with a bout of fisticuffs! Some prove capable warriors, some flail around the ring like a drunken giraffe. Either way, we are entertained.
The trashtalk begins well in advance, with videos from the combatants laying out their position. Read on for photos (courtesy of resident Drafthouse photographer Jack Plunkett) and videos for each debate.

Debate 1) Peter Kuplowsky vs. Steve Kostanski
RESOLVED: GODZILLA (2014) is a worthy entry to the famed kaiju franchise and not a festering pile of dull CGI garbage.

Debate 2) Brian Walton vs. Nick Robinson
RESOLVED: The name CREED cannot be used for the new Rocky film as it is already the name of the greatest band in the world.

Debate 3) Annick Mahnert vs. (star of Monster Squad) Andre Gower
RESOLVED: The Goonies is the best kids’ adventure film of the 20th century.

Debate 4) Joe Begos vs Mickey Keating
RESOLVED: Between David Lynch and David Cronenberg, the latter is the superior David.

Debate BONUS ROUND Emcee Owen Edgerton vs Noah Segan
RESOLVED: The director IS the most essential part of a film, disputed after their work together Egerton’s debut feature at Fantastic Fest, Follow.

Debate 5) World karate champion/animal lover Cody Hackman vs. Tim League
RESOLVED: Hunting Feral Hogs From Helicopters is not only immoral… it should be illegal.

Photo credit: Jack Plunkett