CINAPSE Weekly Roundup — November 1st, 2014
Deluged by the plethora of awesome content the Cinapse family provides each week? Worried you missed something? Never fear, each Saturday our Weekly Roundup will show you a little glimpse of the week’s highlights, our most popular posts, new releases, column updates and anything that has provoked a response from internet trolls on up to insightful feedback and discussion.
THEATRICAL RELEASESThis week’s big releases give you a choice between the tonally weird Horns, which with a R-Rating could have been a hell of a lot more fun, or, the film many of us loved at Fantastic Fest this year, Nightcrawler. A gritty, fascinating look at the dark side of video journalism and the media in LA with an incredible performance by Jake Gyllenhall.
HOME VIDEO RELEASES(Takes a deep breath…) We have reviews of Life Of Crime, Eurocrime, Halloween 6: The Producers Cut, Che!, The Vincent Price Collection II and Begin Again, where the girl from Bend it Like Beckham makes sweet sweet music with the Hulk.
We also have not just one, but two reviews of the new Director’s Cut release of Nightbreed. Check them out here and here. I agree with the sentiments in there, the early Cabal cut nearly killed me when I saw it last year.
TVThis week in Doctor Who, a curious fairytale of an episode, In the Forest of the Night. The season finale preview suggests it could be a doozy too!
PODCASTSCinapunx is back with an episode looking at Halloween 2!
COLUMNSTwo-Cents this week tackles John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness. Sharon chose the Pick of the Week and offers up for your consideration, The Good Girl.
EVENTSLiam and his cohorts attended the “Exhumed Films 24 hr Horrorthon” this past week over in Phily. Checkout his coverage to see what spooky delights they saw.
MISCELLANEOUSJacob tells us of his efforts to fill a void in his Halloween this year, read that here. Fun bit of trivia for you, Liam has worn out three keyboards this month, see why in Part 4 of his Journal of Fear.
We also bring to you a rather spontaneous effort that stemmed from a spiraling Facebook conversation between Cinapse staffers. Knee Jerks! Our immediate reaction to some piece of film news, sparked by the unveiling of Marvel Phase 3 aka our schlong is bigger than DC’s. See our thoughts on Marvel’s plans here.

You have to make the money to buy a ticket.