Cinapse Weekly Roundup — Second Week of July, 2014

CINAPSE Weekly Roundup — July 12th, 2014
Deluged by the plethora of awesome content the Cinapse family provides each week? Worried you missed something? Never fear, each Saturday our Weekly Roundup will show you a little glimpse of the week’s highlights, our most popular posts, new releases, column updates and anything that has provoked a response from internet trolls on up to insightful feedback and discussion.
THEATRICAL RELEASESSo the Cinapse crew have been going bananas over Planet of the Apes all week to coincide with the release of the new Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Thankfully, it is freaking awesome so our efforts and excitement were validated! We have reviews from Wilson and myself as well as a splendid return from Jordan and his podcast review here. Check below for other ape-centric content.
Apes not your thing? Hellion is released in select markets this week; see Dan’s review for his thoughts on this coming of age tale.
HOME VIDEO RELEASESUpdate your will and get your affairs in order because your mind will be blown by The Raid 2: Berandal, smashing its way with a baseball bat onto Blu this week. Check out Austin’s review here as well as his companion piece on the back catalog of Director Gareth Evans.
Incredible action and violence not your thing? Well, on the exact opposite of the spectrum we have Christian drama in Ragamuffin. Alternatively, there’s a WWII comedy with Operation Petticoat, a mashup of Jaws and Scream in Lake Placid, or perhaps the the engaging and seductive-looking Faust.
Looking for some TV action? Michael has some favorable words for something that may interest you, so read his review: Longmire — Shattering Expectations for Procedural Television.
COLUMNSPick of the Week falls to Ed, who extols the virtues of Korean crime drama A Bittersweet Life. Two Cents continues our apes theme, this week taking a look at Battle for the Planet of the Apes!
MISCELLANEOUSAsia Beat returns looking at Stray Dog, and we kick off a new series looking at the mighty Hercules in the build up to the release of the new Dwayne Johnson vehicle. Check out part one here.
Thanks for stopping by Cinapsians