CINAPSE Weekly Roundup — June 14th, 2014
Deluged by the plethora of awesome content the Cinapse family provides each week? Worried you missed something? Never fear, each Saturday our Weekly Roundup will show you a little glimpse of the week’s highlights, our most popular posts, new releases, column updates and anything that has provoked a response from internet trolls on up to insightful feedback and discussion.
THEATRICAL RELEASESBromance is in the air! This week’s big release is 22 Jump Street, a film that not only is hilarious and clever but surpasses the first in every way. It’s superb entertainment; read my review here. We also have a review of How To Train Your Dragon 2, which sounds like it pulls at the heartstrings. Liam seemed rather enamored with the smart sci-fi flick The Signal; check out his review. Drafthouse Films continues their very strong run of releases with their new film, Borgman. See our review on this interesting spin on the home invasion movie here.
TVNeil Marshall, director of The Descent, Doomsday, Dog Soldiers, and the spectacular Blackwater episode of Game of Thrones, returns. This time, the men of the Night’s Watch battle the Wildling army at the Wall, with big action, big drama, big giants, and freaking mammoths. Sharon’s review is here.
HOME VIDEO RELEASESWe cover 70s classic The Mechanic in its Blu-ray release, have an emotional and incredible visual experience with Visitors, and take a trip to the 1890s gold rush in the Discovery channel original series, Klondike. My personal recommendation is the hilarious farcical British comedy release, Alan Partridge. Kris Kris Tofferson.
COLUMNSOur Movie of the Week chosen by Rhea is The City of Lost Children. Read her thoughts and personal connection to the film here. We have some full frontal male nudity in Two Cents this week. Read the team and guests’ views on Dragonslayer!
MISCELLANEOUSAsia Beat returns, taking a look at Noroi: The Curse. We continue our look at The Tales of Zatoichi, with this week’s installment looking at films 13–15. Finally, Ed gives us a trailer rundown of upcoming films here.
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