CINAPSE Weekly Roundup — May 17th, 2014
Deluged by the plethora of awesome content the Cinapse family provides each week? Worried you missed something? Never fear, each Saturday our Weekly Roundup will show you a little glimpse of the week’s highlights, our most popular posts, new releases, column updates and anything that has provoked a response from internet trolls on up to insightful feedback and discussion.
THEATRICAL RELEASES This week’s big release, and we do mean BIG, is Godzilla. David’s review mirrors my own thoughts quite well, impressive in parts, lacking in others. Still, well worth your time for kaiju on kaiju action. Fancy seeing an asshole guide some Indian kids to a better life? Then Million Dollar Arm might be your thing, read my opinion on this lackluster affair. Or perhaps the intense and claustrophobic Locke is more your thing, Michael’s review is here, lauding Tom Hardy’s latest effort.
HOME VIDEO RELEASESA double-bill of slasher & splatter this week with the release of Discopath and Final Exam. We also see MOAR Kaiju (running theme here) with the release of the Daimajin Trilogy.
Finally, Michael tries to tell us in his review that in the wider scheme of things, I, Frankenstein isn’t THAT bad. I just watched it and think it is.
TV RECAPI was going to write up the new episode of 24 but it was so mediocre and predictable I didn’t bother. In good TV land, Sharon continues her splendid Game of Thrones recap here. This week, Peter Dinklage gave a speech and dropped the mic at the foot of all actordom and is a certainty for all the awards…surely? I gift to you this video showing the only possible way his speech could have been bettered. By all the Gods, thank you internet.
COLUMNS Our team continued its Summer-long project of watching ALL of the blind swordsman films in the Zatoichi series. This week Austin, Ed and Liam cover films 7–9 of The Tales Of Zatoichi. Two Cents celebrates the return of the King of the Monsters with our Kaiju-centric choice this week of Frankenstein Conquers the World. Finally, I stepped up to the plate for the Movie of the Week selection. My choice: The Wicker Man. Check out my thoughts on this British horror classic and personally, my favorite film here. Lord Summerisle commands it.
EVENTSTwo film-related events to recap this month. The first, right here in Austin was the Austin Film Society (AFS) showing a screening of Whitewash with Thomas Hayden Church in attendance, Jordan’s recap is here.. Secondly, our friend Liam, in the city of brotherly love, attended Ex-Fest 2014, a twelve-hour orgy of exploitation films organised by Exhumed films.
Thanks for stopping by Cinapsians