An in-depth look at the physical package of the new box set
Newly available on Blu-ray, the box set for crime saga Long Arm of the Law Parts I & II is the latest from one of our favorite new international distributors, 88 Films, whose recent output of Hong Kong classics has been revelatory.
I’ll be posting a review of the Blu-rays and movies in a separate article, but first here’s a pictorial look at this beautifully crafted set.
The package includes each film on their own Blu-ray disc with extras and keepcase, housed together in a rigid slipbox. Each movie boasts a double-sided cover insert, providing the option to display classic or new artwork. The package also includes physical extras; a double-sided poster with the classic artwork of both films and a very meaty illustrated booklet with an analysis by Tom Cunliffe, 40 pages cover to cover.
External Box


Booklet (housed in Disc 1 case)

Double-sided Poster (housed in Disc 2 case)