A Chat with Damien LeVeck Director of THE CLEANSING HOUR

One of my favorite things about film festivals is when you take in a screening with little to no expectations, only to be completely blown away. Damien LeVeck’s The Cleansing Hour, which hits Shudder this month was one of those films. I caught the film at Fantastic Fest last year trying to kill a few hours, and I had so much fun! The film’s story of an online exorcism show, that usually fakes their spiritual encounters, who accidentally conjures a real demon was as horrifying as it was bitingly hilarious and meta.

Last week I got a few moments to speak with the film’s director Damien LeVeck just in time for the film’s Shudder premier. We dug into not only the genesis of the premise, but the director’s own beliefs and how they influenced the film. I had a blast chatting with Damien, and I hope you check out The Cleansing Hour this month just in time for everyone’s #31DaysofHorrorChallenge.

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