Unboxing Target Exclusive FROZEN II Limited Edition 4K UHD Blu-ray

A pictorial exploration of the “Filmmaker Gallery and Storybook” Edition

Following their usual pattern for Disney titles, Target has released Frozen II in an exclusive Limited Edition 4k UHD “Gallery Book” edition. The package includes a 4K disc, Blu-ray disc, digital copy, digital-exclusive extras, custom packaging, and a handsome booklet.

Outer Front and Back views, with and without J-card:

A line of spines —

The inner pack features a tri-fold design with multiple character art panels, a pocket for storing the booklet (and digital copy insert), and the requisite disc trays.

The Gallery Book is actually a flipper book with the 22-page Production gallery on one side and a 13-page comic excerpt on the other side (most certainly not a graphic novel despite what the packaging says to the contrary).

The squarebound booklet is printed on high-quality glossy stock throughout (not just on the covers). The Gallery Book features concept art, costumes, and design explorations. The comic is a short excerpt of the graphic novel adaptation of the film. The art is beautiful, but the excerpt is pointlessly short, only serving as an advertisement to purchase the actual book.

A/V Out.

All package photography was taken by the reviewer.

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