A hands-on look at the new Shout Factory release of the fan favorite Disney XD Series

Disney XD’s Gravity Falls series made its Blu-ray launch this week in a complete box set collecting both seasons, courtesy of Shout Factory.

It’s a winsome package featuring a rigid, glossy slipbox housing three cased volumes for the show and additional features.

A special inclusion for fans is a “prop” note recreating a scene from the show. It’s packed loose in the box but I slipped it into the Special Features case as a permanent home.

Another nice little attention to detail; the back cover synopsis includes a hidden message that winks at the show’s use of cryptography.

A couple more messages are hidden on the bottom of the box.

Inside the slipbox are three cases for Season 1 (3 discs), Season 2 (3 discs), and the Special Feaures (1 disc), modeled after the show’s mysterious journals. All three cover inserts have inner print listing the disc’s contents. These notes perhaps would’ve been more practically served on the back covers or as paper inserts, but it’s a minor quibble for a beautifully designed set.

Overall, a very solid and well-considered physical media package, especially considering the inclusion of some fun Easter eggs. I’m not (yet) personally familiar with the show but this has me excited to dive in.

Get it at Amazon:
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All package photography was taken by the reviewer.