Your chance to win the latest from David Simon and George Pelecanos

There are pairings that you just know are going to deliver, and David Simon together with HBO is one of them. The Wire is (rightly) regarded as one of the best TV shows of the last few decades, and their latest collaboration similarly delves into the seedier side of an American city. Instead of Baltimore and crime, this time it’s New York and the burgeoning porn industry of the ‘70s.
On release via HBO Home Entertainment next week, they have provided us with a copy to giveaway to one lucky Cinapse reader. Read on to see how to enter!
The Deuce chronicles the rise of the porn industry that began in New York City in 1971–72, driven by the gradual legalization of porn and a politically motivated effort to “clean up” Times Square. Seizing the chance to cash in on the nascent porn business are a vivid assortment of characters, including: Vincent Martino (James Franco), a bartender with vision and connections; Frankie Martino (Franco again), Vincent’s identical twin, a dangerously freewheeling counterpart to his entrepreneurial brother; Candy (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a self-made, on-the-street sex worker eying a new career in porn filmmaking; pimps C.C. (Gary Carr) and Larry Brown (Gbenga Akinnagbe); young prostitutes Darlene (Dominique Fishback) and Lori (Emily Meade); midtown cop Chris Alston (Lawrence Gilliard, Jr.); newspaper reporter Sandra Washington (Natalie Paul); mob capo Rudy Pipilo (Michael Rispoli); disillusioned college student Abby Parker (Margarita Levieva); and others.

There are 2 ways to enter, and yes, you can do both to double your chances!*
1. Comment on this post with your favorite David Simon show. Include your Twitter handle or email address so we can contact you if you win.
2. Follow @CinapseNews on Twitter and tweet:
“I want to win #THEDEUCE from @CinapseNews! #DEUCECinapse”
* US Residents only. Sorry, international friends!
We’ll announce the winner, selected at random, in one week.
If you’re visiting us for the first time for the giveaway, please stick around for honest film and TV reviews and more great contests! We’ll have a full review of this releases on Cinapse next week.

The Deuce: The Complete First Season is available on Blu-ray™ and DVD February 13th, 2018