by Jon Partridge

If you’re an Austinite or a frequent reader of Cinapse you know we love the hell out of an ever-growing art boutique here known as Mondo. This weekend marked their second annual MondoCon event, and we were there to check out what they had on offer. Read our preview for more details. Last year’s con, while impressive, suffered a few logistical hitches and we’re happy to say this year’s was as smooth as silk. More space, more artists, and a broad slate of releases meant the con was improved in every way. Some exquisite art was on offer, with wallet-destroying goodies and a host of talent mingling with fans, in many cases offering sketches or doodles. Expect a few reports in the coming days on the panels; for for now feast your eyes upon some photos from Day One. There was far too much on offer to take detail photos of individual prints, so relax and peruse to get some idea of the setup and what was on offer.

MondoCon Day 2 continues today, October 4th in Austin, TX. Check out for more details.