So there we have it. 9 Days, 25 films, copious amounts of free Fireman’s 4 and I survived. Exhausted but ultimately enriched by my SXSW experience. Looking back my thoughts on some of the films has altered, appreciation deepened or perspective changed, one film in particular being tainted by a bout of unprofessional behaviour but there you go. So, what did impress. What follows is my top 5 of the festival, some predictable perhaps whilst other maybe things you haven’t heard of and I hope will seek out if/when they get distribution.
- 5. She’s the Best Thing In It
- 4. Nina Forever
- 3. Ex Machina
- 2. The Look of Silence
- 1. The Boy
Being honest, the most fun screening was probably Furious 7. Over a thousand fans crammed into the Paramount theater cheering through the action and emotion of this addition to the franchise, there were tears. Check out my review for a spoiler free take. Additionally, getting to see Mad Max 2 aka The Road Warrior with a newly struck 35mm print and George Miller in attendance was a blast. Also…dat Fury Road footage.
I’d hate to be negative, anyone who gets a film made and up on screen is worthy of a round of applause in my eyes but the worst/most divisive film would have to be Excess Flesh. A visceral and uncomfortable film to watch, prompting such a reaction has to mean something, but crafted in such an aggressive way it’s hard to feel anything but angst towards it. There is an attempt to give emotional resonance and social commentary towards the end but by then it’s just too little too late.
Finally, I’d like to give a special shout out to a film I saw “during” the Fest but not technically AT the Fest, although it did fill the Super Secret screening spot. Roar. Utterly deranged film-making and thoroughly entertaining madness. The upcoming re-release from Drafthouse Pictures is the epitome of essential viewing, expect a full review around its release date of April 15th.