CINAPSE Weekly Roundup — March 7th, 2015
Deluged by the plethora of awesome content the Cinapse family provides each week? Worried you missed something? Never fear, each Saturday our Weekly Roundup will show you a little glimpse of the week’s highlights, our most popular posts, new releases, column updates and anything that has provoked a response from internet trolls on up to insightful feedback and discussion.
THEATRICAL RELEASESThis week we have podcast reviews of releases The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and Julianne Moore vehicle Still Alice.
Feel like watching something at home? Check out our review of Everly, new on streaming and VOD services.
FEATURES The Action/Adventure section returns with a roundhouse kick to the face from American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt. Running on Stream is back with the latest recommendations of the best unknowns available on streaming services, this week with BMX Bandits, Dogtooth, Housebound and Wild Style.
COLUMNSPick of the Week fell to Sharon, who offers up the colorful spectacle Strictly Ballroom from Baz Luhrmann.
TV RECAPHe said/she said, head to head Victor and Rhea debate the latest episode of Girls. We also bade farewell this week to one of the most entertaining and joyful comedies to grace our screens; check out our Look Back At Parks and Rec and wipe away a tear. I’ll miss you most of all, Ron.
Finally, Netflix ensured last weekend was largely unproductive for huge swathes of the population by dropping House of Cards Season 3 on us. Checkout my comprehensive overview of the new episodes here; warning, spoilers abound!
HOME VIDEO RELEASESNew this week we have reviews of the BBC America release of the latest festive Doctor Who special, Last Christmas, time travel romantic drama with Outlander, bizarre western The Missouri Breaks, and also festival favorite My Life Directed By Nicolas Winding Refn gets a home video release.
Also post-apocalyptic action in Exterminators of the Year 3000, music and comedy oddity in Stormy Weather, the Terrance Malick-produced The Better Angels, and finally William Friedkin’s The Night They Raided Minsky’s.
What do you mean you haven’t watched the new House of Cards yet?