CINAPSE Weekly Roundup — December 13th, 2014
Deluged by the plethora of awesome content the Cinapse family provides each week? Worried you missed something? Never fear, each Saturday our Weekly Roundup will show you a little glimpse of the week’s highlights, our most popular posts, new releases, column updates and anything that has provoked a response from internet trolls on up to insightful feedback and discussion.
THEATRICAL RELEASESExodus: Gods and Kings is this week’s big release, but it seems to be gaining more attention for its casting policies than for actually being something worth watching. Check out Ed’s review to see if it’s worth your time.
Also out this week is conspiracy/offshore-drilling drama Pioneer. Chris Rock returns to the big screen with Top Five; read our review of a film that is garnering a lot of praise and seems to reaffirm Rock’s talents. Also out this week is the fantastic The Babadook, the second best horror film I’ve seen all year (sorry Dook Dook Dook but It Follows blew me away).
FEATURESOur own Dan Tabor spent some time with Joe Rubin to learn about his distribution company Vinegar Syndrome and their new collaborative series with the Alamo Drafthouse. Check out that interview here. Jacob also takes some time to educate us all on the cinematic perfection of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.
Fancy reading something batshit insane but borderline genius? Austin looks at rewriting Skyfall, a way to course correct and enhance the Bond franchise.
COLUMNSTwo Cents this week sits our panel down to debate the merits of Michael Mann’s directorial debut Thief.
I also continue my efforts to educate and enlighten with a new installment of “Why haven’t you watched…?” This time I heap superlatives on the incredible Black Mirror, which was added to the Netflix lineup this week.
TV RECAPHighs and lows on this week’s The Newsroom. Read our recap here and prepare yourself for the series finale this weekend.
PODCASTJordan is back with thoughts and puns aplenty looking at Wild.
HOME VIDEO RELEASESHooked on a feeling? More like hooked on Guardians of the Galaxy. Amirite?? Yes, possibly the most fun movie this year (it’s this or “SPACESHIP!”) is finally out on Blu-ray to watch again and again and again. Check out our review if for some unknown reason you haven’t bought this already.
Also out is a film that meditates on mental illness, the healing power of art, and sticks Michael Fassbender in a giant paper-mache head. Yes, this is something that exists, read up on Frank here. I also take a look at the new release of Doctor Who Season 8 and proclaim it to be very good and worth your time, even if you have been “alienated” (pun intended) by the new incarnation of our favorite Time Lord. More sci-fi is released with the final season of Star Trek:TNG in its beautifully remastered form. My review is here.
EVENT REVIEWThe Other Worlds Austin festival happened this week, and we had people on the ground seeing what it had to offer. Check out our reviews of Apt 3D, Time Lapse, and some additional selections here.
Hooked on a feeling? More like hooked on Guardians of the Galaxy. Amirite??