With all the talk about the upcoming Jem and the Holograms remake directed by Jon M. Chu, I decided to reminisce a bit and watch one of my favorite childhood shows and see how it stood the test of time. After my nostalgia subsided and I began to really take in the show that is Jem, I noticed more than a few similarities to one my favorite martial arts films: Miami Connection. So here are my top 5 reasons Miami Connection is already the dude-centric adaptation of Jem!
5. Racial Stereotypes

Jem is a product of the ’80s and when it comes to how it handles race, you can really tell. The same goes for Miami Connection. The bands featured in both properties, Dragon Sound and Jem and the Holograms, are made up of all the main ethnicities you would need to generally please everyone. They also tend to fit their ethnic stereotypes as well when it comes to characters. It’s awkward and at times painful to watch since we have come so far as a people, but it’s definitely there on screen.
4. Really Horrible Villains

While Jem mainly had the Misfits to worry about, you still have the zany cartoony villains that would show up from week-to-week to menace the pop idol. In Miami Connection you have cocaine-dealing, motorcycle-riding ninjas that are something right out of ’80s Saturday morning TV. I think I remember them from an episode of Chuck Norris and the Karate Commandos, actually. While they never came across these exact baddies per se, I think they would be right at home on the show.
3. They are all orphans that live together in the same house and play in a new wave band!

This was the first one I noticed right off the bat. In Jem, Jerrica runs the Starlight House, where young orphan girls live, worry-free, talking about their dreams and jamming together whenever they are done with their chores. In Miami Connection you have a bunch of dudes of various (adult) ages walking around shirtless talking with uncomfortable pacing about writing music and their dreams as well… but it’s just a whole lot creepier.
2. Rocking Tunes

Both Jem and Miami Connection randomly break narrative and go into music video vignettes. But the music in both is rather enjoyable, so it can be a lot of fun. Both Dragon Sound and Jem and the Holograms’ music stand the test of time and are a fun listen even though both bands look like they are just swinging their arms in the air and can barely play their instruments.
1.Dat Hair

Both have big hair, and questionable choices in wardrobe. Only one had the excuse that it was an animated show manufactured to sell dolls aimed at little girls.
Do you see any other major similarities or glaring differences? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter or Facebook!